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How to set suntec 5 axis cnc router center after you set well all XYZAC axis

Writer: admin Time:2023-11-19 11:50 Browse:

How to set suntec 5 axis cnc router center after you set well all XYZAC axis

when you finished install suntec 5 axis cnc router then adjust XYZAC axis well then test 5 axis cnc router lingage . 

then follow this video using program to test spindle put check stick using indicator to test till indicator no moved , it is ok . 

.suntec 5 axis test program

If it changed ZX OR ZY direction have errors need adjust 3024 and 3025 pamameter . if 0.03 error in X you should change 3024 less (such as 3024-500 then you change -470 to try )same ways adjust ZY directions . till no error . 

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