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suntec 4 axis 3d mold cnc router in Latvia customer workshop for bathroom parts

Writer: admin Time:2022-10-11 16:00 Browse:

suntec 4 axis 3d mold cnc router in Latvia customer workshop for bathroom parts 

At first customer buy this machine need high precision 0.1mm as he made barthroom parts .

working height 1500mm . as we kown ,z axis height higher it impact precision . normal z 200mm working height is higher precision than 1500mm . 

so it need high grade z axis head components and structure .so in order to satisfired customer requirements .we enforced z axis structure inside and gantry inside with steel plate and heavier square tube welded . enforced strenghth .so no vibrating when working . 

now customer used suntec 4 axis cnc 3years no problem and precision is +_0.1mm . below is his making sample very smoothly . 

customer install suntec 4 axis cnc

sunteccnc in latvia customer workshop

suntec 4 axis making barthparts

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