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Suntec 4 axis cnc router 3d hardwood mold mine making in customerworkshop

Writer: admin Time:2023-09-06 14:51 Browse:

Suntec 4 axis cnc router 3d hardwood mold mine making in customerworkshop

suntec st-3050 4 axis cnc.jpg

customer used suntec 4 axis cnc router 4 sets for hardwood mold making ST-1830 ST-1325 ST-2030 ST-3050 4 axis rotary cnc router 

using mastercam software to make suntec 4 axis cnc router NC file then copy syntec controller to execute file .

suntec 4 axis cnc router can use all industry 

 Aerospace – this industry requires a very precise machine, as the shapes are very intricate and unique.

Medical – 4 axis CNC machining can help manufacturers of medical equipment in the production of devices, implants, as well as other pieces of equipment that need to be made with extra precision in order to meet healthcare standards which tend to be rigorous (rightfully so).

Military – another industry that uses 4-axis CNC machining to produce the needed parts. Some of the possible applications include submarine parts, high-performance engine parts, turbine and compressor blades, smart weapons, sensors, stealth applications, as well as, in some cases, nuclear weaponry.

Energy equipment – producing parts for energy equipment often requires using materials that are hard to work with. With 4-axis CNC machining, you can make the whole process easier and more efficient.


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