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How to make wooden chair with 4 axis cnc router

Writer: admin Time:2024-03-13 19:59 Browse:

How to make wooden chair with 4 axis cnc router 

There are many shape of wooden chairs ,and also different materials laminated and solid wood 

so suntec cnc can give you professional suggestions according your design and sample pictures . 

  1. working method 

    USE special glue to make laminated wood piece togher-- bending machine to press according mold --

    use 4 axis cnc router or 5 axis cnc router to mill shape  bending wood --sanding - install 

2. Design 


    Software Use: Begin by designing your chair in CAD (Computer-Aided Design) software. suntec cnc use powermill or ug software . Your design should include all parts of the chair (legs, seat, backrest, supports) with precise dimensions and angles.

   Considerations: Design with the capabilities and limitations of your 4-axis CNC router in mind, such as the size of the cutting bed and the types of cuts it can perform then output g code for cnc router can read as video. 


3. Material Selection

 Wood Type: Choose a suitable type of wood for your chair. Hardwoods like oak, maple, or walnut are durable and aesthetically pleasing, but softer woods can also be used depending on the desired finish and use.

 Size and Thickness: Ensure your wood stock fits the dimensions required for the chair parts and the capacity of your CNC router.

3. CAM (Computer-Aided Manufacturing) Setup

 Toolpaths: Convert your CAD design into toolpaths using CAM software, which directs the CNC router's movements based on your design. This step involves choosing the cutting tools, setting the order of operations, speed, depth of cut, and other machining parameters.

 Simulation: Many CAM programs allow you to simulate the toolpaths. Use this feature to check for errors or issues before actual cutting.

4. Securing the Material

· Clamping: Securely clamp the wood to the CNC router's bed to prevent any movement during the machining process. The positioning should align with your CAM setup to ensure accuracy.

5. Machining

 Roughing and Finishing: The CNC process may involve both roughing (removing large amounts of material quickly) and finishing (fine-tuning details and surfaces). Follow the toolpaths set up in your CAM software, starting with larger cuts and moving to finer details.

· Tool Changes: Depending on your design, you may need to change tools during the machining process for different types of cuts or details.

suntec wooden chair fixture for hard wood

wooden chair fixture

choose different fixture according your design shape . 

6. Post-Processing

 Sanding: After the CNC machining process, some parts may require sanding to smooth out any rough edges or surfaces.

 Assembly: Assemble the chair parts as designed. This may involve gluing, screwing, or other methods of attachment.

 Finishing: Apply a finish to protect the wood and enhance its appearance, such as varnish, stain, or oil.

7. Safety and Precision

 Safety Gear: Always wear appropriate safety gear when operating a CNC router, including eye protection and hearing protection.

·Precision Checks: Throughout the process, periodically check the precision of your cuts and the fit of the assembly to ensure that everything aligns according to your design.

Using a 4-axis CNC router for chair-making allows for intricate designs and precise cuts that might be difficult to achieve by hand. It's important to be familiar with both the software and hardware aspects of CNC machining to ensure the success of your project. Consider starting with simpler projects to build your skills before attempting more complex furniture designs.

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